So over the past few months, starting from
my first post on LoN, this blog has become an integral part of my life, my way of telling the world that I'm not a "
Nobody", or just a "
Somebody" but the moronically unique, technically challenged, humorously untalented
NAVIN PAI. To a large extent, I have been successful in doing so. I've recieved emails and comments from people from around the world, made friends within the international blogging circle, developed professional contacts ranging from web gurus to security researchers to even a hair stylist (
seriously!!) and even been the recepient of a few brickbats (
Life's not always a bed of roses!!). Also, LoN has gotten a pagerank from Google (
in less than a year of its existence), and the first result in a Google search for "
Navin Pai" shows up my Blogger profile. (
I simply love going to Google.com, typing in "Navin Pai", and clicking on "I'm feeling lucky"!!). The other results on the first page include my blog and my twitter page!! So I guess when you wonder who Navin Pai is, even Google says "
It's this internet freak from Goa"!! "
MISSION SUCCESSFUL" to say the least!!
But over the past few days, I've been struggling to find the time to update this blog, mainly due to my pre-occupation with other **activities** (
I'd already said in this older post (at the end) that Sem 2 would be barely eventful).
My dear friend (
snicker snicker)
Albert gave me the following advice:

As such, after going through my list of options, I've decided to put myself and LoN on a
temporary timeout until May 2009...... I stress on the word temporary, because I'm sure that I'll be back up and running once May is here. Now that's less than 2 months so I'm guessing that I won't miss too much. But I promise, that I'll be back (not with a bang, but with a
BOOOOOOOOM!!), and so will LoN, and this sign sums it all up:

Hope that you guys (and gals of course) will understand......
So for the last time until May,
Hehe, leaving us with a laugh
That's the Navin I know (Humourously gifted)
Anyway, I know your reasons for this hiatus are good enough
So see you in May
nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Kya yaar navin? Self-exile when I need the blog the most? This blog is one of my fave stress busters during the exams, but I guess you're reasons are good enough!
as you say it...... ciao until may!!!!!!
(then go like hell)
Priceless statement ;)
Waiting for the big comeback (praying its not like Santosh's break of 3 yrs!!!!!!!!)
Hey Navin We're all praying for you to do well in you get the AIR you seek :) :)
Anyway, just noticed one more thing
A I'm feeling lucky for "Lifeofnavin" returns your flickr photostream, while a I'm feeling lucky search for "lifeofnavin.blogspot.com", obviously retuns your blog as top result
Nice going ;) :)
Oh yeah, one more thing
a Google image search for "navin pai", shows up your blogger profile pic (The no pictures please one) as the 1st result.
A yahoo search for Navin Pai shows ur blog as top result.
Whoa,great going dude!!!!!!!!
Couldn't stay away from my dear blog for more than 2 days.....so came back to check how stuff was going....
@Apoorva....Thanks for all that researched thesis Uve put up....Its seriously 'ego-searching' taking on a new meaning
I din't know bout the Gimages thing....feels good!! :)
@ Sanjeev Exam time padhne ke liye hota hai...... Tht's wht U had told me during my exams.....I din't know tht U meant net pe blogs padhne ke liye!! :) ;)
@Reshma....priceless statement.....lekin meine nahin likha!!
@ Avantika.....You're definitely among my best-est-est of friends....U actually lied to make me feel better!!Humourously gifted?? Yeah right!!
Anyways, thanks for your comments guys.....promise to be back in May!!
Arey Navin
Praying for you bro
Keep Rockin'
Its Been nearly a month since the last post
I feel the void!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:( :( :(
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