So over the past few months, starting from my first post on LoN, this blog has become an integral part of my life, my way of telling the world that I'm not a "Nobody", or just a "Somebody" but the moronically unique, technically challenged, humorously untalented NAVIN PAI. To a large extent, I have been successful in doing so. I've recieved emails and comments from people from around the world, made friends within the international blogging circle, developed professional contacts ranging from web gurus to security researchers to even a hair stylist (seriously!!) and even been the recepient of a few brickbats (Life's not always a bed of roses!!). Also, LoN has gotten a pagerank from Google (in less than a year of its existence), and the first result in a Google search for "Navin Pai" shows up my Blogger profile. (I simply love going to, typing in "Navin Pai", and clicking on "I'm feeling lucky"!!). The other results on the first page include my blog and my twitter page!! So I guess when you wonder who Navin Pai is, even Google says "It's this internet freak from Goa"!! "MISSION SUCCESSFUL" to say the least!!
But over the past few days, I've been struggling to find the time to update this blog, mainly due to my pre-occupation with other **activities** (I'd already said in this older post (at the end) that Sem 2 would be barely eventful).
My dear friend (snicker snicker) Albert gave me the following advice:
As such, after going through my list of options, I've decided to put myself and LoN on a temporary timeout until May 2009...... I stress on the word temporary, because I'm sure that I'll be back up and running once May is here. Now that's less than 2 months so I'm guessing that I won't miss too much. But I promise, that I'll be back (not with a bang, but with a BOOOOOOOOM!!), and so will LoN, and this sign sums it all up:
Hope that you guys (and gals of course) will understand......
Stumbled upon this site today, and found it very unique..... The site is Wordle
Here's how the siteowners define the site:
Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes.
Now I wouldn't really say that definition is wrong, but somehow, it doesn't bring out the beauty of this simple sounding java applet. But as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words:
So I guess you understand what this site does..... It simply takes the words off a given webpage (or a sample of text), and arranges them is a 'word-collage', but as can be seen above even this simple concept can lead to some strikingly brilliant results!! Plus if you don't like the results you can change the font, the colours, the layout, or the text itself...... The possibilities are virtually endless!!
The best part of this site is that the images created are completely free for use in any manner you may think of, from T-shirts with wordles on them, to even monetary purposes (like a book cover with a wordle on it!!). And the images produced do not advertise the site (No watermarks/logos/any such thing). I Personally am thinking of getting a tee with the above picture on it....... What a perfect way to define myself!! Could a site get any better??
I personally believe that this site should be among the 10 most innovative sites of 2009.
You can check out some brilliant Wordles at the Wordle gallery. And when you are inspired enough, you can begin creating your own wordles at
I'd gone to the local multiplex to watch Dev D with a bunch of friends today. (I'd have named them all but they're all guys so I don't really think you're interested in knowing them :) )
The movie was pretty good (Though NOT deserving the rave reviews its gotten!! Except for the cinematography ..... It gets a 6/5 in that sector!!). I'll review it if I get the tid (That's time in Norwegian).
But what really struck me was the trailer of Anurag Kashyap's next venture.......... Gulaal, which was shown before Dev D began. Note that Dev D too is directed by Mr. Kashyap.
When the trailer started I thought it was the trailer of some cheap C grade movie (hehehe, incase you clicked on the link), but by the end of its 2 and a half minutes runtime, I was left completely speechless!!
Hard hitting dialogues (including a new twist on the "Mere Paas Ma Hain" cliche), eerie scenes, A brilliant tag line (Love.... Power..... Revolution.), and a well executed background score in the trailer make this movie seem like a mindbogglingly brilliant, politically supercharged, youth awakening movie (Comparable to the likes of Sarkar (desi) or V For Vendetta (V-desi)). Even the movie poster (shown at the start of this post), seems to point at a movie which is unlike any one seen in recent times.
Check Out The Trailer Of Gulaal Below
This movie is one that I'm waiting for with great expectations..... Hope it doesn't turn out to be a dud!! Did someone just say "NO SMOKING"??
EDIT: Watched the movie on March 19th ...... My Worst nightmare came true......It sucks royally!!!! I'd just give it 2 stars out of 5 !!
I'm Finally On Flickr!!!! Internal Tests going on in College (The Dreaded ITs....... some call them Inhuman TortureSessions!! ITS.... Get it??), and as always, its these tension-filled days when I feel like doing *STUFF* the most........ Today Flickr called out to me, and how could I say no?? So in true Pink Floyd ishtyle, I was up online uploading my fave pics for the world to see!! So presenting (drumroll please) my first set of pics...... Most of them are by me or my dad, but surprises do lurk in the photostream........ Hope U like it!!
These Are Just 3 random pics generated by Flickr from around 405064 that I've uploaded (As of March 8th). To see the remaining pics, visit my Flickr page (I really like changing font colours!! :) :) ) at
Finally after all these years, here's to the beginning of what was there, what is there and hopefully what will remain!! So here are my thoughts & words -Online!!