This means that 1.2 billion seconds elapsed from January 1, 1970 UTC, which officially marks the beginning of the Unix epoch. The clock is used not just by Unix, but also by Linux, Java, JavaScript, and Mac OS X along with various other technologies.
Here's a great explanation about "1234567890 day" from TimeStamp1234567890.com (Especially For The N.O.N-N.E.R.D.)
What the hell are you talking about?
We are talking about the "UNIX Time". The UNIX is a number defined as the number of seconds elapsed since midnight Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of January 1, 1970. You can easily calculate or save times with this number. Read more wikipediaDoes TIMESTAMP 1234567890 mean the end of mankind?
Probably not... but you never know.Can I buy TIMESTAMP 1234567890?
Do we really need timestamp?
Return to topic 1. You can do a lot of funny things with a timestamp - but buying?!
Absolutely yes! Without timestamp you can't do any time in computers
The countdown to this dubiously important occasion (actually a "count-up") has been awaited by many nerds (read Navin) with almost as much expectation as Y2K. Why?? Nobody really knows!! For me atleast, its just another occasion when "the higher power" has simply shown, once again, through UNIX this time, the beauty and symmetry of the universe, and as a wannabe Theoretical Physicist/L337 C0dEr/Life-Hacker, I do appreciate this in a purely artistic sense. Plus, an occasion like this calls for another late night geek party with CS gaming, and new "There's no place like" Tees......... So I'm not complaining!!! :)
Also, such events give rise to crazy sites like 1234567890Day.com (which actually provides links to a 12345678920 day party in India....... at Patna unfortunately!!!)
Anyway, in case you wanted to get to know when this landmark event occured, you can simply check out the countdown (correction: I mean "up") at CoolEpochCountdown.com
May The Force Be With You!!!! :)
paanch ghanton se hi kam time bacha hai bhai ;)
I missed it yaar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ anonymous
U have 2 options:
1:Invent a timemachine, Go back in time (Just 2 days bro), and PARTY LIKE THERE'S NO 2MORO!
2) Invent a way to prevent aging, live until 22nd December 2282 and celebrate "9876543210 day" instead!
Chk it out at http://www.onlineconversion.com/unix_time.htm
@ Deajay
Bhai, kitne din hue, no contact at all.....cell pe bhi no reply....... toh kaisa chal raha hai??
Anyways, Thanks for a hilarious comment..... Hope I'm still alive to celebrate 9876543210 day!! Ek aur CS party hoga!! :)
I can say this till the day I die:
U said tht right Suhanna.....
Less than 2 hrs before valentines day, and I post stuff about some geek day tht barely anyone knows about!!
Anyways Happy Valentines Day (Belated) to all the guys N gals out there!! :)
I can't believe I missed the fact tht there were barely minutes left for valentines day (or is tht violent-ines day??)......
Thanks for pointing it out in Ur timely "fattoo" call (as usual)!!
Now thats a craaaaaaazy post
Nice post💞
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