Three competition winners will be first invited for a zero-gravity flight on the 'Vomit Comet', where they can experience weightlessness and all the fun that brings (they've named it the vomit comet for a reason!!), then one of these will ascend to the final frontier.
I'm not sure how Symantec plans to choose the grand prize winner, who will spend around five minutes in space before being brought back down (it's a very short amount of time, but it's space!! Come on). Perhaps they'll be assessing those winners based on a simple fight to the death kind of competition when weightless.
The competition is meant to represent the fastest software from Norton's new software, which can blah blah blah, do you really care about the reasons?? I'm going to register on the website roughly four billion times (unless they block all my ip's by then) to get a chance to see the Great (Fire)Wall of China from the sky.
Less than 500 people have ever been into space, but one lucky virus-fighter will get the chance to join that exclusive club in the sky -Symantec Press Release
Here I come!
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