As a Rubik's cube enthusiast (I've actually solved it once....the crowning moment of my life!!), I seriously understand how hard it is to get the frikkin' colour combination right!! And this piece of gaming wonder surely makes the Rubik's cube look like a kid's toy. Also known as Hidetoshi Takeji's Bump Cube, the puzzle challenges its user based on geometry rather than by matching color sequences.
To solve the Bump Cube, you must set 27 blocks of nine different sizes into a neat and tidy cube. Unlike the original Rubik’s Cube, you can’t just pull the stickers off this one and pretend you’re a genius (or pull the entire thing apart as some frustrated Rubik's tragics have been known to do [I tried this once]) as all the blocks have the same colour.
Available in Japan, Hidetoshi Takeji's Bump Cube costs around USD$20.
The YouTube clip below shows how its done - in 55.47seconds!! .
A Review of the Bump cube
So get Bumping!!
Arey Navin, challenge Urself na
Try solving it
This'll be a B'day present frm me to you he he :-)
Very nice!
will give it a try soon
interesting toy
to bad you can't buy it in India itself!
to think i found the rubik's cube impossible to solve
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